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Global Relationship Development

Global Relationship Development

Blue Force connects clients across cultures & time zones to forge relationships that increase influence & market share.

Whether our client is a government wrangling with a national crisis, a Fortune 500 company battling public misunderstanding of its latest product, or a CEO trying to overcome bad press, Blue Force excels at leveraging its relationships to get things done – on time, under budget, and exceed client expectations.


We have a history of initiating, planning, executing and actively managing multi-pronged information and advocacy campaigns, training, and capacity building programs supporting initiatives across multiple industries – such as aerospace and defense, education, energy , and healthcare – to financial services and other business interests. 


Whether working from our offices in the U.S. or deploying our talents to some of the world’s most dangerous places on short notice, Blue Force is always equipped with the personnel and tools to operationalize success.


Blue Force's Global Relationship Development services include:

Political & Foreign
Affairs Consulting

Our agency consists of former Capitol Hill and National Security Council staff, journalists, diplomats, graphic designers, military personnel, project managers, and edge thinkers in the business world, all who provide expert insight into local, regional, and global challenges. 



You probably think this category is misplaced. It’s not. We put it here deliberately, because relationships with the press are still relevant. We also provide media and journalism training to executives, government officials, and budding writers.




From education initiatives and sustainable development public affairs campaigns, to grassroots organizing, we know how to cut through the noise to work effectively with civil society, thought-leaders, local and national government to drive conversations about important issues.

We're not lobbyists, but we know how to get to the right people because of our time-tested and trustworthy relationships. Our team works tirelessly to maintain and expand them, while adhering to the highest professional, legal, and ethnical standards at all times.

Global Market Penetration

Stakeholder Engagement

& Influencer Development

Our in-depth due diligence is used by companies to fill gaps in their situational awareness about foreign markets.  Our cultural and social intelligence expertise helps organizations penetrate hard-to-reach places, communicate via over 25 languages and across time zones.

We maintain, continue to cultivate, and leverage our relationships with influencers and third party validators – people in politics, government, business, entertainment, academia, and civil society that proactively push ideas – to multiply message impact and build influence.

Blue Force® Communications LLC. Copyright © 2021.  All Rights Reserved.

“Blue Force” is a registered Service Mark on the Principle Register with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Registration No. 5,403,045, owned by Blue Force Communications LLC.  Any unauthorized use of the mark will be subjected to fines and penalties as specified by U.S. federal and applicable state laws. 
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